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17 Feb 2023

Skincare for men – myth or magic?

Many men have sometimes been told that skincare isn’t for them. That it is unnecessary, unmanly or simply useless. As you surely know, this isn’t true. Sure, it is possible to go through life without any kind of skincare. You don’t need to wash your hair or use deodorant either. But many people prefer to do so anyway. In this article we will help you take your first steps toward a skincare routine, or perhaps expand your current one.

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What is skincare?

When we talk about skincare we often focus on the face. The reason for that is because the face is one of the more exposed areas and something we naturally focus on when we talk to each other. Focusing on the face tends be quite natural when talking about skincare.

How complicated does it have to be?

Not complicated at all actually! You can, of course, indulge yourself as much as you like, but in the end it's mostly about cleansing and moisturising. As long as you wash your face and moisturise it, your face will be fine. Then you can always add a face scrub as a little bonus. In that case, use it 1-2 times a week. It's usually best to use a scrub in the evening, as your face can get a bit flushed afterwards. But if you don't mind being a bit flushed during the day, you can use the scrub in the morning as well.

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Beard Wash Golden Ember

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Aftershave & Face Lotion Golden Ember

Aftershave & Face Lotion Golden Ember

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Face & Body Scrub Golden Ember

Face & Body Scrub Golden Ember

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