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Beard Brew Woodland 30ml

Beard oil is essential for bearded people. Sure, there are other products that also moisturise and take care of the beard (such as beard balm and beard shaper) but oil is and remains the godfather of beard care. It moisturises and cares for both skin and beard. The cherry on top is that it also smells good.

5.0 - 12 ratings , 11 comments
Beard Brew Woodland 30ml
Beard Brew Woodland 30ml Beard Brew Woodland 30ml Beard Brew Woodland 30ml

Beard Brew Woodland (30 ml)

Wooden tables, bicycle chains, and beards - what can they have in common? Since you're reading about beard oil, the answer is probably pretty obvious. Of course, all three need a bit of oil. However, we don't recommend using our beard oil for your bike chain and wood oil is probably better for your table. But your beard will feel great if you use our beard oil. It's made with natural ingredients and leaves your beard soft, moisturised and supple. Natural oils can also relieve skin irritations such as itchiness and irritation. A bottle of good beard oil is a must-have in every beard wearer's bathroom cabinet.

Why beard oil?

  • Moisturises the beard.
  • Softens the beard.
  • Can relieve skin irritation under the beard.


A spicy fragrance with peppery notes of pine and herbs that ends in deep, warm notes of cedar, amyris and sandalwood.

Key ingredients

  • Jojoba oil – Balances the sebum production in the skin
  • Argan oil – Contains Vitamin E and antioxidants.
  • Rosehip oil – Strengthens the beard.


Wash your beard and face. Apply a few drops of beard brew into your hands and rub it between your palms. Massage the oil into your beard and skin. Check out our instructional video on how to apply Beard Oil.

Mr Bear recommends

Use Beard Oil or Beard Balm in the evening and style your beard with a Beard Shaper in the morning. This allows the oils to sink in and soften the beard properly while the Beard Shaper keeps the shape of the beard all day. A beard brush with coarser bristles is recommended to distribute the oil.


It is believed that the world's first beard oil was made from sesame seeds in Mesopotamia about 5000 years ago. We launched our beard oil in 2013, it's not quite as old as the 'original' but we dare say it's quite a bit better. The recipe for the beard oil has also remained unchanged since 2013. We always listen to feedback and try to improve our products all the time, but the beard oil and moustache wax recipe has stayed the same since the beginning. If you've tried them, you'll understand why the recipes remain unchanged - they simply work very well.

Beard Brew Woodland
SEK 239,00 (incl. VAT)

Rate: Beard Brew Woodland 30ml

Customer Reviews


Absolutely great product. I love the scent and how it feels after you apply this into beard - bringing my spirit to forest every day. Well done Mr Bear Family !


Soo smooth!!


Superb produkt. Har gÄtt igenom ett gÀng oljor inklusive nÄgra ur den dyrare prisklassen men fastnat för denna, inte minst pga den faktiskt tar hand om huden under. 5/5


BestÀllt denhÀr produkten innan, jÀtte nöjd med den vÀldoftande och kanon för huden under skÀgget. Rekommenderas starkt.


Jag Ă€r ganska ny till det hela med skĂ€ggvĂ„rd och har hittills anvĂ€nt billiga skĂ€ggoljor. DĂ„ jag haft problem med torr hud sĂ„ tog jag nu steget att köpa en bĂ€ttre olja. AssĂ„ wow vilken skillnad det Ă€r! Äntligen har torrheten försvunnit och skĂ€gget har ocksĂ„ blivit mycket mjukare! Plus att doften Ă€r vĂ€ldigt behaglig. Allt som allt en utmĂ€rkt skĂ€ggolja som jag starkt rekommenderar!


Fungerar mycket bra! HÄller skÀgg och hud under bra Äterfuktat.

Hans W

En verklig favorit! VÀlgörande, mjukgörande och vÀldoftande produkt som gör skÀgget extra vackert!


One of my favorite products for the beard. I have already tried some beard oils from other manufacturers and must say that the oils from Mr Bear Family are super. The scents, especially this one, are light and not too intrusive and the care properties are also good. The price is also more than convincing and makes the oil also because of the pleasant and unobtrusive scent for me a great everyday product. As already written in my other comments, the delivery to Germany is fast and unproblematic!


I've tried lots of different beard oils, and none work as good as Mr Bear Family's!

Mr Bear

Hi Nathan, Thank you very much the kind words, we really appreciate hearing this! /Alex

Marco novella

Amazing beard oil!!!!


Has a nice, subtle smell of pine wood and seems to last forever :)

Mr Bear

Thank you for your kind words, really apprecite it! /Alex

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